PhD Theses

This is the list of all the PhD Theses that have been defended in the group in the last five years.
You can download any thesis in PDF format by clicking in the title.

Name Thesis Title Supervised by Date Current affiliation
Joel Sánchez Bermúdez Study of the dynamical and morphological properties of massive stars with high angular resolution techniques
  • Dr. Rainer Schödel
  • Dr. Antxon Alberdi
15 Jun 2015 Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie
Rubén Herrero-Illana A multiwavelength and multiscale study of Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies in the local Universe
  • M. Á. Pérez-Torres
  • A. Alberdi
31 Oct 2014 IAA-CSIC, Spain
Cristina Romero-Cañizales Unveiling the heart of (U)LIRGs with high-angular resolution radio observations
  • A. Alberdi
  • M. Á. Pérez-Torres
18 Nov 2011 PUC, Chile
Gabriela Montes The Nature of the Radio Emission from Stellar Winds in Wolf-Rayet Binary Stars
  • M. Á. Pérez-Torres
  • R. F. González Domínguez
  • A. Alberdi
21 Oct 2011 UC-Santa Cruz, USA