Radio emission of SN1993J: the complete picture. II. Simultaneous fit of expansion and radio light curves

TitleRadio emission of SN1993J: the complete picture. II. Simultaneous fit of expansion and radio light curves
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMartí-Vidal I., Marcaide J.M, Alberdi A., Guirado J.C, Pérez-Torres M.A, Ros E.
JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
Keywordsacceleration of particles, galaxies: individual: M 81, radiation mechanisms: non-thermal, radio continuum: stars, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN1993J

We report on a simultaneous modelling of the expansion and radio light curves of the supernova SN1993J. We developed a simulation code capable of generating synthetic expansion and radio light curves of supernovae by taking into consideration the evolution of the expanding shock, magnetic fields, and relativistic electrons, as well as the finite sensitivity of the interferometric arrays used in the observations. Our software successfully fits all the available radio data of SN 1993J with a standard emission model for supernovae, which is extended with some physical considerations, such as an evolution in the opacity of the ejecta material, a radial decline in the magnetic fields within the radiating region, and a changing radial density profile for the circumstellar medium starting from day 3100 after the explosion.
